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 Display the ITEM1 value, obtained by reading the MODBUS RTU at COM1 port on Excel


The PC is coupled with a PLC with MOBBUS-RTU. For a single register configured to be read at 40001 address, I obtain on the screen the following format:

#01#03#02#01#01#78#14 (bolded char are the data in register 40001),

For different decimal values in 40001 register I’m obtaining the following responses on screen:

For 40001 = 0 on PLC
For 40001 = 10 on PLC
For 40001 = 100 on PLC
For 40001 = 1000 on PLC
and so on…, with „View characters with code” options:.
0x00h – 0x1Fh As Hex #XX code
0x20h – 0x7Fh As Hex #XX code
0x80h – 0xFFh As Hex #XX code
I’m trying toobtain on excel file the coresponding for ITEM1 selected but all that obtain is columns with FULL_DATA_PACKET, DATA_PACKET, MODBUS_DEVICE_ID, MODBUS_FUNC. If I’m deleting all items and I let only ITEM1 on A1 column, nothing will be displayed.
Please help me to make the correct configuration in order to display the ITEM 1 value, obtained by reading the MODBUS RTU at COM1 port. I want to have at least this registered value on excel in order to continue with the others register data.


Please, configure your modbus request as:

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Article ID: 10

Category: Data Loggers

Date added: 2011-04-26 07:20:33

Views : 704

Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.2/5.0 (5)