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 Data types of parsed values


When I watch a parsed value in the main window I see a parser item name, value and a number in square brackets. E.g. [7] or [8]. What is it?


DATE_TIME_STAMP[7]=2017-02-27 08:54:34;DATA_SOURCE_FULL_NAME[8]=""


The number in brackets means a data type of a parsed value:

2 - Smallint (signed integer, 16 bit, S16).
3 - Integer (signed integer, 32 bit, S32).
4 - Single (float value, single precision, 32 bit, F32).
5 - Double (float value, double precision, 64 bit, F32).
6 - Currency (float value, double precision, 64 bit, F64).
7 - Date, Time or Timestamp (encoded as YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS, 24H format).
8 - String (variable length of ASCII characters).
14 - Decimal (signed integer, 32 bit, S32).
16 - ShortInt (signed integer, 8 bit, S8).
17 - Byte (unsigned integer, 8 bit, U8).
18 - Word (unsigned integer, 16 bit, U16).
19 - DWord (unsigned integer, 32 bit, U32).
20 - Int64 (signed integer, 64 bit, S64).
21 - Unsigned Int64 (unsigned integer, 64 bit, U64).

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Article details

Article ID: 80

Category: Data Loggers

Date added: 2017-03-22 14:25:29

Views : 1093

Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)