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 Exporting data to two different databases (targets)


Exporting the same data to two different databases (for example, SQL Server or InfluxDB). The standard plugin does not allow doing this.



For SQL databases

Simple method:

You can use the "ODBC Database" and "SQL Database Pro" plugins simultaneously. Both plugins can process the same data but export it to different databases.

Advanced method:

  1. Close all running instances of the logger. Stop the service if necessary.
  2. Navigate to program folder\plugins\sqldb_pro.
  3. Copy sqldb_pro.dll to sqldb_pro2.dll (sqldbpro3.dll, sqldbpro4.dll, etc.).
  4. Start the logger.
  5. Configure the second instance of the plugin (SQL Database Pro (sqldb_pro2.dll)) for another database. The second instance may have entirely different settings.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 after any update of the SQL Database Pro plugin.

For InfluxDB

The steps are identical, but the plugin folder and plugin file name are "httpexport" and "httpexport.dll", respectively.


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