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We have the need of logging a serial stream of *.csv style info, from a RS-232 port and the same data a raw TCP/IP socket. Currently we are using HyperTerm and RealTerm with good success but can’t do any realtime charting, or automatic operations with them.
We would like to find a single program, that some automation/scripting features that would allow us to have a stand alone PC (Laptop, etc) we can ship to a costumer, they boot it, and the logging happens automatically, and after some time they send it back here to the factory. We would also like the same software here to chart the data in real time,as well as capture it for work in our lab.
It looks as if you have two separate programs for Serial and TCP/IP, or is it one program that you can enable each feature with?
Can you set up your software to start up and automatically log?
I would recommend to use our Data Logger Suite software. This program combines both serial and tcp/ip data logger in one software.
Article ID: 29
Category: Data Loggers
Date added: 2011-04-27 03:51:59
Views : 553
Rating (Votes): (5)