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 How will I receive my invoice?

An invoice for your order will be issued only after payment is received. For orders paid by credit card or direct debit from your bank account (electronic debit or online wire transfer), we will issue an invoice immediately. For orders paid by wire transfer or check, you will first receive an order confirmation, and the invoice will be issued after payment is received. In any case, we will automatically e-mail your invoice or order confirmation to your billing address. The order documents are sent with the e-mail as PDF attachments.

In addition, you can view and print your order documents at any time after completing your order. Just log on to the secure "My Account" area on ShareIt's website. You will find an overview of your orders and all accompanying documents there.
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Article details

Article ID: 50

Category: Purchase, Upgrade and Activation

Date added: 2011-04-27 07:14:19

Views : 470

Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.2/5.0 (5)