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 What’s the support plan for? Is it optional?

Your initial license purchase provides you with a one-year support plan. For as long as your plan is valid, you get access to our in-depth support.


Once your support plan expires, you can choose to renew it for another year. The price depends on your license type and starts from $29. If you choose to renew, the payment will renew your plan for 1 year (from the date of your payment).


I don’t want to renew. Can I still use your software?


If you choose not to renew, that’s fine! You can continue using our software on the last software version released before your support plan’s expiry date. Support will be limited to our knowledge base articles only.


Each time you need to reinstall our software (or add another computer), you’ll need to install the purchased or last eligible version.

NOTE: Do not use the free download on our main page as that is always the latest version which you may not be eligible for!


How do I renew my support plan?


You can renew your support plan by visiting this page and purchasing "One year of updates" of "Life-time updates" plan.


Do I get support if I buy new licenses?


If you buy new licenses, yes, you do! It won’t be a full year (that’s only done by renewing your plan as above).

NOTE: Upgrading an existing license, for example, from Professional to Enterprise extends your plan.

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Article details

Article ID: 87

Category: Purchase, Upgrade and Activation

Date added: 2018-09-01 06:43:35

Views : 521

Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)