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 Service icon on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7


I have problem with Advanced PBX Data Logger on W2008 server. After close the logger the program is closed. The service of the logger is run, but I do not see icon of PBX logger on down bar ( as like on XP PC ). Same version of PBX logger on my XP PC works OK.


This is the limitation of all Windows since Vista. One of the ways Vista's+ security was improved was by separating system services and user applications into separate 'sessions'. Keeping the system services isolated helps to better secure them, but also makes any interactive interface unavailable to the user.

Please, look at the help file for a detailed description.
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Article details

Article ID: 17

Category: Data Loggers

Date added: 2011-04-26 07:40:15

Views : 546

Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.0/5.0 (4)