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I am generating a ASCII text file with my data. However, the data is appended on the same row, and I need it to be appended on the next line. I tried the ASCII <13><10> and the HEX #OD#OA with no luck, as neither seem to give me the results I need. It is possible I’m putting it on the wrong screen and/or wrong place.
Current file output:
Needed file like this:
Your data contains a non-printable character (a square in Notepad). I don't see a hex code of it.
Please, try to open your file in Word or Wordpad. Notepad is very simple and may not split rows if they are separated by <CR> or <LF> only.
If it will not help, then please, change data view mode in the program window to display codes of non-printable characters, configure the ASCII Data Parser plugin and write data to a file after parsing.
Article ID: 21
Category: Data Loggers
Date added: 2011-04-26 07:55:57
Views : 1424
Rating (Votes): (4)