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I've just downloaded the trial of "Advanced Serial Data Logger" and attached my machine with COM port and it does successfully received some DATA as below attachment. But i met a problem when trying to export directly to DDE server or excel page (also in attachment)? I have no idea how to do this, can you help me to sort it out? Is there any instruction? I did follow the steps of tutorial and the DDE seems not receiving any data. Please help me to solve this issue.
use the following settings: #02 (this is a hex code of <STX>) and #03 (this is a hex code of <ETX>).You should configure the parser. It seems that this tutorial is similar with your data format:
In your case you should use the following signatures of a data packet:
#02 (this is a hex code of <STX>) and #03 (this is a hex code of <ETX>).
Article ID: 35
Category: Data Loggers
Date added: 2011-04-27 04:22:40
Views : 26837
Rating (Votes): (4)